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The good road

  Mark 10: 17-31 New Ark United Church of Christ, Newark, DE October 13, 2024 Photo of three vehicles driving away from the camera through flat, arid desert scrub. The sky is overcast with storm clouds that are grey and deep blue, shadowing the mountains on the horizon. To the right, there is a rift in the clouds allowing for a quarter of a rainbow to be visible. Hear now this scripture in the First Nations Version, an Indigenous translation of the New Testament. As Creator Sets Free (Jesus) set out walking from there, a man ran up to him and honored him. “Good Wisdomkeeper,” the man asked, “what path will lead me to the life of the world to come that never fades away?” “Why do you call me good?” he asked the man. “There is only one who is good—the Great Spirit. You must know the instructions from the lawgiver Drawn from the Water (Moses). ‘You are not to take the life of another, or be unfaithful in marriage, or take what is not yours. Never lie or cheat a fellow human being,

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