Thoughts from a funeral
(Yesterday I officiated at a funeral for a long-time member of our church. People commented that these were words they need to hear. I thought perhaps you might be encouraged by them as well.)
Photo of Scrabble titles that spell "Blessed", with a dried blue baby's breath bouquet on its side next to the letter B.
When describing their mother, who C**** was to them, the words G**** and B*** most often shared were joy, kindness, laughter, willingness to help anyone, generous and giving, selfless, thoughtful, prayerful, faithful, and also struggle. In other words, human.
The Greek word for this kind of love is agape. Unconditional, unmerited, unlimited. Not perfect, not complete, but also not transactional. Another way to put it is self-gift. And that really is the whole purpose of human life: to grow, to discover and love who we are, then to share who we are with all kinds of people and with the world around us and do that our whole lives.
When I think of those words that describe C****, I think of “Blessed are the gentle, for they will inherit the earth. Blessed are the merciful, for they will find mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.” This is not to say that she achieved these states of blessedness in her lifetime but that she sought after them as humanly as she could. As a daughter, a sister, a partner, as a sister-in-law, a daughter-in-law, as a mother, a grandmother and great-grandmother, a friend, a nurse, a human being.
The Beatitudes are not virtue signaling or qualifications for sainthood – they are a map to find God, and God is closest to those the world is furthest from. Those who have lost their way and need finding. Those who are learning how to grieve and how to live with their grief at the same time. Those whom our often-mean society steps on and does not value – kind, empathetic, giving, good-hearted people. Those who would rather wage peace and work for justice. Those who are persecuted just for being who they are.
If you want to find C****, go be with C****’s kind of people and do C****’s kind of things. Laugh. Laugh out loud. Laugh at yourself. Whenever there is a party be the life in that party. Find your voice and use it for those who need you to speak up. Take care of those who need help and let people take care of you too. May you grow, discover and love who you are (and it's never too late to do that), then share who you are with all kinds of people and with the world around you and do that your whole life long. What us churchy types call practicing resurrection. Amen.
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