Thickly settled

Photo of me sitting on the bench on the captain's deck of a catamaran, wearing a turquoise blue long-sleeve shirt over a white t-shirt, a pair of exercise capris pants, and barefoot. The sun is setting behind me.

We were bouncing over
the swells, standing
on the starboard bow
of a motoring catamaran
along the western coast of
Kauai, waves kicking
the boat, no longer kids
but we still feel like it
holding onto each other
these past thirty trips
around the sun
now a little thicker around
the middle than we were
tree trunks adding rings
each one showing
good years
hard ones too

No one tells us how
to grow old
how to inhabit this
changing flesh
that gives in to gravity
a little more each day
until resistance is futile

Maybe we thicken
so we can be something
someone can hold onto
have something
someone to hold on to
when life unsettles us
to have and to hold
like the old promise says
even if it's


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