You can do it

From a tweet earlier today by a Lutheran pastor:

"God looks at you with so much love and compassion.  God sees how hard you're trying, the ways you trip up and why, your stunning gifts and strengths.  God is rooting for you today, to be the best, strongest, most loving version of yourself."

"And, at the end of today, however you've failed and however you've succeeded, God will take you into loving arms and hold you while you rest."

Beautiful and loving and compassionate.  And yet what if you took the God language out and instead it was full of your agency, your power, your ability to be what you need?

"Look at yourself with love and compassion, and not just some but LOTS of it, as much as you need.  See how hard you're trying, observe the ways you trip up and why, take inventory of and appreciate your stunning gifts and strengths.  Even if no one else does, you root for YOU today, to be the best, strongest, most loving version of yourself."

"And, at the end of today, however you've failed and however you've succeeded, take yourself into your loving arms and hold your precious self and rest, trusting that sleep will come and a new day will dawn."

Why is the latter harder than the former, when it doesn't have to be?  We can believe in a loving and compassionate God but we have difficulty giving ourselves the gift that can only truly come from within.  We can love and accept ourselves with such power that it can change our lives and the lives of those around us.

One day at a time, I'm working on it.

Peace to you.


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